Daily Bruin Alumni News

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Basic Membership

All former DB staffers are welcome to join us. The benefits are e.g., enormous, huge, staggering... (editorial types: you could fit the adjective to the available space in 24 pt Bodoni Bold, but sadly we don't support that font, sorry).
  • Registration is free; subscription is optional but much appreciated.
  • You must be a registered DB alumnus and maintain your contact data to post articles or comments.


Personal Profile
From your profile you can keep friends up to date and post brief news items. Subscribers can also publish longer articles. Link to and embed feeds from your YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc., accounts.
All alumni can participate in the forums and comment on posts in the News and elsewhere on the site (more interactive features are coming soon).
Post announcements of forthcoming events in the calendar.
Contribute images to the DB image gallery (or include individual images in news items).
Some features may not be operational at the time you join. The site's potential grows constantly on a labor-of-love basis.


Membership requests are reviewed before activation, and email addresses are confirmed before posting is enabled. Email addresses are not published on the site or shared with third parties unless you choose to do so. When you register, please include your class year and roles you played at the DB in your personal statement. You will be able to comment on posts immediately; we'll enable posting after you have confirmed your address.

When you register, we suggest you use the name by which you were known at the DB. Right now we have no provision for AKAs. If you are a married woman, please put your former surname in parentheses after your given name. If your name has otherwise changed, please edit your profile after activation and put a note in the statement field.


  • Members may post Updates from their profiles and comment on many feature pages.
  • The site does not exercise prior restraint. All personal posts and comments are attributed to the respective author, who is solely responsible.
  • Irrelevant, spurious or ad hominem posts will be deleted without notice in the sole discretion of the editors.


  • Members can be assigned Reporter and/or Editor status; each confers additional rights and responsibilities. If you are interested in building the site and its content, please write to the editor
  • Just to have a modicum of continuity, we suggest that writers follow the AP style manual.
  • Headlines are limited to about 80 characters. Your lead is abbreviated on the home page preview, so good ol' top-down structure is usually best.
  • Blog and Feature articles will be activated after review by the editors.


If you can spare a bit of change, we would appreciate your subscription for $18 per year. (Wow; what a deal! About a nickel a day, even better in leap years. Look for the money under the sofa cushions!)

As you've no doubt heard, there's no such thing as a free lunch, and our web world is the same. (You've probably also heard how people are making zillions by displaying Google ads on their websites. Right.)

Subscribers have more opportunities to publish on the site:

  • expanded personal profile with space for document storage - such as PDFs of your recent, brilliant treatise(s).
  • a free listing for your business in the DBAN directory.
You'll also be eligible to serve on boards and teams that will (we hope) be needed as the site and the membership grow. If we ever get ahead, we'll use any surplus productively to benefit UCLA or DB alumni. It is in short the greatest bargain offered anywhere on this site.

Welcome, new members...

Joan Weiss (26 Dec)
J Sandbrook (26 Dec)
Linda Mann (26 Dec)

Member Updates

Updates are created from the member profile and appear here while recent.
Rees Clark 1965
Earlier today "someone" played the UCLA Fight Song at full volume in the Gare de Lyon in Paris.
Don Harrison 1966
I have been publishing for many years San Diego Jewish World, which has approximately 50 volunteer correspondents all over the world. Jewish writers who like to explore Jewish...
Edward Goto
Moved to Wisconsin circa 1994, new career in 1996, married in 2005, basset hound acquired in 2006, son born 2007.


These comments have been posted by members in the Forum or on other pages. The most recent appear here.
rees - May 14, 2024, 3:07 PM
Luckily, a smart phone conveys all the color, sound, talent and style of the... [LINK]
rees - Mar 18, 2024, 11:13 AM
Aha! Sadly that item from 2006 has vanished from the WWW; no way to recall/omit...
rees - Dec 26, 2020, 2:34 PM
Turns out they also have a Facebook page. [LINK]
rees - Apr 26, 2019, 12:22 PM
CNN now reporting number of students contacted is around 500.
rees - Apr 26, 2019, 12:18 PM
Sorry to report that the conversation ended right there. We're still here, DB...
rees - May 14, 2014, 10:51 AM
In spring, 1964, I also applied to be the DB editor. The Comm Board made the...
dyippie - Sep 25, 2009, 12:02 AM
1971-1972 trying to find members. dyippie@aol.com
dlipkin - Nov 11, 2008, 7:12 PM
I believe the house you are describing is what Bruins today call the treehouse....
dlipkin - Apr 19, 2008, 6:12 PM
The UCLA Media Department? Is that the same thing as Student Media? I know Sara...
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