Daily Bruin Alumni News

News Update
Fact-Check Feature Fortifies Future Ferreting
Try DBA's new fact-checking feature! Just click the icon in upper left corner and learn what others have said about contemporary claims and statements.
Basketball's Bill Walton '74 Dead at 71
Bill Walton of the Bruins and the Portland Trailblazers has died. He led the Bruins to two national championships and dominated NBA boards for a decade.

Read the story in today's DB.

Read the story.

Spring Sing Cancellation Dismays Performers, Alumni
Today's DB reports the 2024 Spring Sing performance has been canceled.

The Student Alumni Association’s annual event was slated to take place May 17 at the Los Angeles Tennis Center. After law enforcement raised concerns about safety, the organizers said they were forced to call off the event, which has been an annual tradition, in a Thursday statement obtained by the Bruin. The 13 acts will be featured in a behind-the-scenes reel instead.

More at the DB

New feature: Readers' Reports
This space could be the DB alumni's own window on the world. There are potentially hundreds of experienced journalists in our prospective community. Under the assumption that they know the difference between news and commentary, all alumni are invited to contribute to this new feature. For more information or to become a reporter or associate editor, click here. (How does it work?)

UPDATE 7 OCT 2023: We have registered members in several countries. We note the current events in Israel. Perhaps someone will take up the pen and report local news.
So what else is nu?
In 2022 UCLA was again among the US's leading universities, "best" by some reckonings. Readers of DB Alumni News were remarkably unsurprised by these tidings.

Walter Shatford, 30s Sports Editor
Walter T. Shatford, who was Sports Editor on the Daily Bruin in 1936 (and possibly earlier) died on May 5, 2009. His passing was reported by his daughter, Sara Shatford Layne.

During a long career in law and service to education in his adopted home, Pasadena, In those years, he emerged as a pivotal local figure in the struggle for racial integration and equal access to education.

Shatford operated a successful law practice in Temple City, co-founded with his brother Henry in 1947 after service in WWII.

Follow the link below to an biography in the Pasadena Star News.

Pasadena Star News.

Nobel Prize to Patapoutian
UCLA alumnus Ardem Patapoutian will share the 2021 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. The neuroscientist helped answer fundamental question about how nervous system senses temperature and touch.

UCLA Newsroom | October 4, 2021—Patapoutian, a professor of neuroscience at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, shares the honor with David Julius, a UC San Francisco professor of physiology, for their discoveries of receptors in the body that respond to temperature and touch. Specifically, their research explains how temperature and pressure are converted into electrical impulses in the nervous system.

More from UCLA

Dave McNary, Beloved Longtime Variety Film Reporter, Dies at 69
Larry May reports: "I trust all are healthy and safe during this holiday weekend. John Sandbrook passed along the below sad news about the passing of Dave McNary. Dave arrived at the Daily Bruin during my senior year and quickly established himself as a dependable, insightful, and prolific reporter and writer. He spent his career as a journalist . . . it appears that ink was in his blood. Click through for the full obituary posted this morning in Variety where he worked for the last 20 years. He was dedicated to the Daily Bruin, and I last saw him at the Daily Bruin office during the UCLA 100th birthday celebration attended by Neil Reichline, Tina Nides and me, among thousands of others.

Best wishes for a better 2021."

Photo credit Jesse Grant, Variety.

Variety Report

UC Demographics Suggest Diversity
UC has published a spiffy web presentation touting its diversity. Have a look!

View the entire presentation

And the cry of wimp! was heard in the land
We know this is old news (July '15), but it's so absurd as to warrant republication. Is it possible to be so politically correct that one is neither correct nor political?

We were going to suggest that the DB editor's post engendered contempt for the DB, but we fear "engender" may now be a proscribed verb, so we decided to suggest it would lead to contempt, but lead paint is banned in many states, and we did not want to confuse the homophonically challenged, but that distinction contains the two syllables "homo," and we did not want to offend those who don't know the difference between the Latin homo (man/male) and the Greek ομος (same as, diacriticals omitted), etc., etc.

So we concluded the editor should just grow a pair. Unless he/she they/them has/hasn't/needn't, or perhaps all of the above under special circumstances.

Original Absurdity

UCLA, Cal State LA Quarantine Hundreds in Measles Case
CNN and other sources are reporting that UCLA and Cal State LA have issued quarantine orders to approximately 200 students, faculty and staff who attended classes with persons apparently having measles.

NPR Report

Washington Scoring Again
Not the outcome the scattered UCLA fans in the UW stadium — including your intrepid DBAN reporter — wanted in the Oct. 28 contest. Final score 43-24.

Garrigues History Articles Removed
By request of the author we have blocked or removed articles on the history of the DB contributed by George Garrigues.
LA Times' Former Westside Reporter Ken Reich Dies
Brian Weiss reports that Ken Reich, former Westside et al. reporter for the L.A. Times has died. Brian notes "Many of you will remember Ken Reich from when he was on the Westside bureau and covered UCLA happenings." Here is the Times' obituary.

Kenneth Reich, 70; Times reporter covered effort to win '84 Olympics for L.A.

By Dennis McLellan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

July 1, 2008

Kenneth Reich, a retired Los Angeles Times reporter who, in his 39 years at the paper, covered politics, earthquakes and preparations for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, has died. He was 70.


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